Root Canal Therapy for Cracked Teeth – Can it Save Your Tooth?

Cracked teeth can be a painful and potentially debilitating dental issue, causing discomfort, sensitivity, and even infection. In some cases, a cracked tooth may be salvageable through root canal therapy, a procedure that can help save the tooth and prevent extraction. 

In this article, we will explore the role of root canal therapy offered by the general dentist in Torrance, CA, in treating cracked teeth and discuss the possibilities of saving a cracked tooth.

Understanding cracked teeth

A cracked tooth is a type of dental injury that occurs when a fracture or crack develops in the tooth, extending from the chewing surface down toward the root. This can be caused by various factors such as biting or chewing forces, grinding or clenching, trauma, or weakened tooth structure due to decay or large fillings. Cracked teeth can be painful and may lead to sensitivity, discomfort, or even infection if left untreated. The crack can be classified into different types, including:

  • Craze lines: superficial cracks in the enamel
  • Fractured cusp: crack in the chewing surface of the tooth
  • Cracked tooth: crack extending from the chewing surface down towards the root
  • Split tooth: crack that separates the tooth into two or more segments
  • Vertical root fracture: crack that extends from the root down towards the gum line

Root canal therapy for cracked teeth

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure that involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth, cleaning and shaping the root canal, and filling it with a special material to prevent further infection. In the case of a cracked tooth, root canal therapy can help:

  • Relieve pain and discomfort
  • Prevent infection and abscesses
  • Save the tooth from extraction
  • Restore the tooth’s function and appearance

Can root canal therapy save a cracked tooth?

The success of root canal therapy in saving a cracked tooth depends on several factors, including:

  • The severity of the crack
  • Location of the crack
  • The extent of pulp damage
  • Presence of infection
  • The overall health of the tooth and surrounding bone

In general, root canal therapy is more likely to be successful if:

  • The crack is minor and only affects the enamel or dentin
  • The pulp is not severely damaged
  • Infection is caught early
  • The tooth has sufficient structure to support a restoration

However, if the crack is severe, extends below the gum line, or has caused significant pulp damage, extraction may be the only option.

How is root canal therapy performed for cracked teeth?

The root canal therapy procedure for a cracked tooth typically involves:

  • Anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding area
  • Accessing the pulp chamber and removing the infected pulp
  • Cleaning and shaping the root canal
  • Filling the root canal with a special material
  • Sealing the tooth with a filling or crown

After the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication. It’s essential to follow a proper aftercare routine, including:

  • Avoiding chewing or biting on the treated tooth
  • Keeping the area clean with gentle brushing and flossing
  • Attending follow-up appointments for monitoring and adjustment


Root canal therapy can be a highly effective treatment option for cracked teeth, offering a chance to save the tooth and prevent extraction. While not all cracked teeth can be saved, prompt treatment and proper care can significantly improve the prognosis. Root canal therapy can help alleviate pain, prevent further infection, and restore the tooth’s function and appearance. With advances in dental technology and techniques, the success rate of root canal therapy for cracked teeth continues to improve, making it a viable option for many patients. 

If you’re experiencing symptoms of a cracked tooth, consult with your dentist to determine if root canal therapy is right for you, and take the first step towards saving your tooth and preserving your smile.


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