Soft Tissue Grafting: Protecting Your Teeth from Gum Recession

Soft tissue grafting is a surgical procedure used in dentistry to repair and augment soft tissues, such as gums, in the mouth. The goal of soft tissue grafting is to improve the appearance and function of the teeth and gums, as well as to enhance overall oral health. This article will explore soft tissue grafting offered by the dentist in Winnipeg, and their expert surgical team. 

What are the types of soft tissue grafts?

There are several types of soft tissue grafts, including:

  • Connective tissue graft: This type of graft involves taking tissue from the roof of the mouth and grafting it onto the affected area.
  • Free gingival graft: This type of graft involves taking tissue from the palate and grafting it onto the affected area.
  • Pedicle graft: This type of graft involves taking tissue from an adjacent area and grafting it onto the affected area.

When is soft tissue grafting indicated?

Here are the indications of soft tissue grafting:

  • Gum Recession: Exposed roots, sensitivity, and aesthetics.
  • Gum Defects: Congenital or acquired defects, such as cleft palate or gum loss.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: Exposed roots or dentin hypersensitivity.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Uneven gum contours, gum asymmetry, or excessive gum display.
  • Periodontal Disease: Gum recession, bone loss, or pocket formation.
  • Tooth Wear: Exposed roots or dentin due to bruxism or erosion.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: Grafting to improve gum contours or cover exposed roots.
  • Dental Implants: Grafting to improve aesthetics or increase tissue volume.
  • Cleft Palate: Grafting to repair congenital defects.
  • Gum Tissue Loss: Due to trauma, infection, or surgical excision.
  • Root Exposure: Exposed roots due to gum recession or periodontal disease.
  • Dentin Hypersensitivity: Sensitivity due to exposed dentin or roots.
  • Gingival Scarring: Scarring due to trauma, surgery, or periodontal disease.
  • Gum Asymmetry: Uneven gum contours or asymmetrical gum architecture.
  • Smile Line Enhancement: Grafting to improve aesthetics and smile line.

How is soft tissue grafting performed?

Here is a step-by-step guide to the soft tissue grafting procedure:

Pre-Surgical Phase

  • Initial Consultation: Discuss treatment options and expectations.
  • Medical History: Review medical history and medications.
  • Oral Examination: Assess oral health and identify areas for grafting.
  • Imaging: Take radiographs or CBCT scans to evaluate bone and tissue.

Surgical Phase

  • Anesthesia: Administer local anesthesia to ensure comfort.
  • Donor Site Preparation: Prepare the donor site (usually the palate).
  • Tissue Harvesting: Harvest the graft tissue from the donor site.
  • Recipient Site Preparation: Prepare the recipient site (area to be grafted).
  • Graft Placement: Place the graft tissue at the recipient site.
  • Suturing: Secure the graft with sutures.
  • Wound Closure: Close the donor site wound.

Post-Surgical Phase

  • Recovery: Monitor patients during recovery and manage discomfort.
  • Follow-Up: Schedule follow-up appointments to monitor healing.
  • Suture Removal: Remove sutures 1-2 weeks post-surgery.
  • Healing: Allow 2-6 months for complete healing and tissue maturation.

Additional Steps (as needed)

  • Bone Grafting: Perform bone grafting to augment the ridge.
  • Tissue Conditioning: Use tissue conditioners to improve graft integration.
  • Pain Management: Manage pain and discomfort with medication.
  • Oral Hygiene: Educate patients on oral hygiene and post-surgical care.

What are the benefits of soft tissue grafting?

Here is a concise list of benefits of soft tissue grafting:

  • Improved aesthetics
  • Increased tissue volume
  • Reduced sensitivity
  • Improved gum contours
  • Enhanced smile
  • Improved oral health
  • Protection of teeth
  • Support for dental work
  • Long-term results
  • Minimally invasive
  • Quick recovery
  • Natural-looking results
  • Improved chewing and speaking
  • Boosts confidence
  • Prevents further gum loss
  • Covers exposed roots
  • Halts gum recession
  • Enhances the overall oral function

Bottom line 

Soft tissue grafting is a highly effective procedure for repairing and augmenting soft tissues in the mouth. With its many benefits and relatively low risks, soft tissue grafting is a popular choice for patients seeking to improve the appearance and function of their teeth and gums.


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